Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Sometimes I Wear Pink Suspenders

Sometimes I eat chicken on the bone without a fork.
I just grab the drumstick and hope no one is looking.
Sometimes I even lick my fingers.

Sometimes I forget to bring a towel with me when I shower,
I just streak to my room and hope no one is around.
Sometimes I even forget a towel purposely.

Sometimes I take naps in between classes,
Catching some shut eye where no one is looking.
And sometimes 10 minutes turns into 40 minutes.

Sometimes I eat the leftover cookie dough
Scraping the bowl, and even stealing from the oven while they’re still raw.
Sometimes I just mix a whole batch to eat just like that.

Sometimes I leave dishes in the sink
A little mold never hurt anyone,
Sometimes I just throw out the dishes when the sink is full.

Sometimes I pretend not to notice people approaching, 
When it is awkward to greet them.
Sometimes I just take the stairs to avoid everyone.

Sometimes I buy clothes that are too small,
A girl can hope!
Sometimes I wear them anyway and claim they shrunk.

Sometimes I take the subway instead of walking 5 blocks
Even when the weather is nice, 
Sometimes I subway 5 blocks to get to the gym.

Sometimes first world problems become too much
My little soul can't deal with the long lines at Starbucks, 
So I update my blog and share my troubles with the rest of the world...


  1. I love how this poem tackles the topic of faux-pas with humor and confidence. The speaker in this poem has a great voice and we're rooting for her even when she's breaking social graces. I didn't think the last stanza was in line with the lightheartedness of the rest of the poem. I get how you wanted to contextualize the other stanzas, but it felt too wrapped up.

  2. This poem was so much fun to read! I really connected with the speaker because everything she "did" I do, especially eating the leftover cookie dough and taking the subway to the gym! The idea of starting with "sometimes" is clever however I felt it was a little too much. I got lost in the poem. I do love how you made it pink to match the title! Great job.
