Monday, November 30, 2015

Checkers Anyone? *

He passed away when I was eight,
Wretched from me, before either of us were ready.
His only moment of disloyalty,
His escape from this world without kissing me goodbye.

Wretched from us, before we were ready,
Would the time ever have been right?
Yet, he escaped this world without waving goodbye,
An unforgivable sin for a child in second grade.

The time would never be right,
But leaving before he could teach me how to win at checkers,
An unforgivable sin for a child in second grade.
A sin for any child of any age.

Leaving me before he could teach me checkers,
Before he could tease me during my frizzy hair and acne stage,
A child of any age
Needs that honesty of her grandpa.

Before he could tease me for my braces and nerdy boyfriend,
Before I could understand why his jokes were “inappropriate,”
The blunt honesty of my grandpa-
He was otherwise known as the crazy bald man with a great sense of humor.

I never got to understand why his jokes were inappropriate,
For all I knew, all grandpas fell down stairs just to make me laugh. 
Everyone knew him as that crazy bald man with that great sense of humor.
That's what made us all love him.

For all I knew, all grandpas played hide and seek with their grandchildren,
But now I know better-
That man, yes, we all loved him
Was as crazy (in a good way) as can be.                       
*This is a pantoum-style poem, with the pattern of the refrains, but the author chose not to use rhyme. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Grand Old Party

Mid-apocalypse, a more hopeful America,
A rejuvenated nation-
We are turning the corner.
Better off- Kinder, gentler nation,
Making us proud again,
Patriotism, this time, more than ever.

It’s morning again in America,
A return to normalcy,
Grant us- Peace, Prosperity:
A chicken in every pot, and a car in every garage.
Leave no [one] behind.

The world depends on [us],
Who but [us]?
Life, liberty, and [us].
A safer world [with us].
In your heart, you know [they are] Right.

Midstream, keep working,
Ma, ma, where’s my Pa?
We want, a full dinner pail.

I like, well, I still like- Change.

* This poem is a cut up of most of the main campaign slogans that were used by various GOP candidates since Abraham Lincoln. I used the list of slogans listed at 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


It's a Wonderful Time of the Year

Soft wind brings a whiff
Cologne, sweat, and Chinese lo mein.
Tax season pressures.

Children crave: "Daddy!"
Two more weeks until he's back
Math homework is stalled.  

Wives stay calm- knowing
That when it ends, rewarded
A sleek, black Lexus. 

*This is an experiment with the traditional 5-7-5 haiku. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What Does the Fox Say (Video Performance)

"What Does the Fox Say" is a song sung by a group named "Ylvis." The poem and video posted here are inspired by that original song. The background music in the video above is the instrumental version of the song, and the last few seconds of the video posted here is a recording of a part of the original song. See these links for the full video versions.

The images used in the video posted here were from:

The animated video clips were made via YouCam, and all of the music, images, and video clips were compiled via Movie Maker.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hanging by a Thread (Edited)

She wraps her palms around my neck,
Twists her torso, carving a space for me,
I hold the swing, steady we sway,
Tangled bodies, we hang there.

Soft breeze brushes our lips,
The sun embraces us-
Threads tie us to one another,
Easily broken, yet easily retied.

The threads of her clothes beg to be torn,
I acquiesce,
Ready to explore the wrinkles in her buttery skin,
Then, I piece the threads back together.

I lose myself in the crinkled waves in her hair.
Inhale the sweet, fruity shampoo
Falling into a blissful abyss,
Hanging by her hair- and wanting to stay there.

These moments that we grasp with all our strength.
Because- as time surges forward,
A tidal wave in calm lake,
We can only thread through time,
Ignoring everything around us.