Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hanging by a Thread (Edited)

She wraps her palms around my neck,
Twists her torso, carving a space for me,
I hold the swing, steady we sway,
Tangled bodies, we hang there.

Soft breeze brushes our lips,
The sun embraces us-
Threads tie us to one another,
Easily broken, yet easily retied.

The threads of her clothes beg to be torn,
I acquiesce,
Ready to explore the wrinkles in her buttery skin,
Then, I piece the threads back together.

I lose myself in the crinkled waves in her hair.
Inhale the sweet, fruity shampoo
Falling into a blissful abyss,
Hanging by her hair- and wanting to stay there.

These moments that we grasp with all our strength.
Because- as time surges forward,
A tidal wave in calm lake,
We can only thread through time,
Ignoring everything around us. 

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